Regulatory review - With the granting of statutory powers and the creation of the FSR's own codes, the Forensic Science Regulator (for England and Wales) has the potential to influence forensic science and the forensic science market significantly. Concerns have been expressed about the wording of the codes and the impact they have, especially on smaller providers. We are working to establish a form of I-SAGE (Independent Scientific Advisory Group of Experts) to review and comment on the effects and effectiveness of the FSR.
Common Requirements - verification of tools and validation of methods requires well-defined requirements, but these are not necessarily easy to produce, particularly for organisation which are not well-versed in requirements engineering. We aim, therefore, to establish a requirements working group to assist with the production of a library of common requirements which can be drawn upon to assist those working in the field of digital forensics.
Academic assessment resources - each year, academics involved in teahcing and assessing digital forensics produce scenarios, images file and other evidential material which could be of use to others. We'd like to help that community by creating a repository of such material so that others can adopt and adapt it.
Updating others' work
Over the years several bodies have carried out useful projects, but then been disbanded or haven't been funded to update, repeat or develop the work. This means that some really useful results are becoming dated and deserve to be updated. This list is not comprehensive, but represents some of the work we would like to update :
Projects and Challenges database - this was maintained by the KTN FoSciSIG but was somewhat hard to find and seems to have disappeared. As a resource for suggesting student projects, research themes and potential areas for development, it had the potential to be another vital resource. We'd like to bring it back and commit to maintaing and supporting it.
Adding to this list
Please use our Contact Page to suggest further additions to the list of projects we should be aiming to initiate and support, or to get involved in any of the projects.
DEVCE is a trading style of the Digital Evidence Centre of Excellence C.I.C, registered in England & Wales No. 9461258